Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Strawberry Reservoir - July 19

I went to Strawberry Reservoir with six other guys and had a blast. I left at 4 am and didn't get back until 11pm. This is the weirdest reservoir to fish because it has a slot limit, you can't keep and fish within 15 and 22 inches, but anything under that and over that you can keep. I caught 7 fish total. I kept one that was 15 inches and the rest were 20-21 inches. It was weird saying, "oh it is just a 20 inch fish you gotta throw it back" where anywhere else a 20 inch fish is a monster. I caught one that was 24 inches, but I never got it up to the net. The net was in the water and then he shook my hook out of his mouth it was a beautiful fish I only wish that I had a picture of it. I do however have a picture in my head that will last, but nobody else will see that one.

A 20 incher
Here is the boat that we were fishing from. It was comfortable and there was plenty of room for each of us to catch some fish.
At the dock we did our part to help control the chub population. We caught about 75 of these filthy dirty things, popped the air bladder and sent them to the bottom of the lake. They are an infestation at Strawberry.

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